The Routeburn Track

This track is actually the first overnight hike I ever did, completing it for the first time about 6 or 7 years ago. I have to admit, it really did set the bar quite high for all of my future trips. Like a lot of people doing their first overnight trip there were many lessons learnt. We carried way too much of everything except somehow not bringing quite enough food for the 4 day trip, sustaining ourselves on sachets of instant coffee and sugar packets for the last 24 hours or so. But despite this we had a blast and because we spent 3 nights and really got to explore all of the side tracks properly with all the spare time we had along the way.

I managed to head down to Queenstown early 2021 to do the trail again, this time for only one night, and whilst it was a fantastic overnight hike, I was yearning for an extra night or two in some of the most beautiful parts of Aotearoa.

This is a track that really seems to have a bit for everyone and although it’s technically not a very long track at roughly 33km long, taking the time to do it in 2 or more nights really allows you to soak in the feeling of being in nature and also hopefully means you get decent weather on at least one of the days you venture up to some of the higher parts of the trail.

Oh, and the sandfly’s aren’t that much of a problem except for around Lake Howden which is a bonus.

Click the picture below to check it out!


The Routeburn Track

Mountains, lush forests, alpine lakes and the famous Routeburn River